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On July 7th 1994...a man drove up to my home with a grieving woman and her boyfriend asking to use my home phone to call 911. As the sobbing woman and her boyfriend placed the call...the driver asked for something to drink. As the story was unfolding on the phone...the driver calmly sat down in my living room chair and sipped a cold root beer. As the three exited my home to meet with police, the coroner and detectives...a question came to mind...how did the driver know the location of the murder victims? The bodies had been dumped in a fence row at the edge of a field near a path coming off a dead end street in Village Green Subdivision. How did he know the murdered bodies were there? Why did he pick up the mother of the victims and her boyfriend and take them to the bodies? Why didn't he just call 911 himself and spare the family the horror of seeing the murdered bodies of their loved ones? There have been many rumors and theories floating around town for years but the case is still listed as unsolved. The family needs answers. I am not accusing anyone or implying anything...I am simply asking a question...how did the driver know the exact location of the bodies of Linda Gibson and Cody Lee Garrett...that had been murdered at a different location and then their bodies dumped behind Village Green Subdivision on the city/county line?
Summary of unsolved case
Double Murder - July 7, 1994
Linda Gibson
Cody Lee Garrett
Linda and Cody were last seen walking in the area of the Dairy Mart on Bourne Ave in Somerset, KY on July 3, 1994. After they failed to return home, family members reported them missing the following day to the Somerset Police Department.
On July 7, 1994 the bodies of both Linda and Cody were discovered in a remote area just outside the city limits of Somerset. They were found in high weeds along a fence row at the edge of a field.
The investigation found that the two had been murdered at an unknown location and that their bodies had been dumped at the site where they were found. The area of discovery is approximately 2 miles from the Bourne Ave area where they were last seen.
An investigation led by the Pulaski Sheriff's Department along with the Somerset Police Department and the FBI has been ongoing since the discovery. Although no arrests have been made, the investigation has uncovered possible suspects and investigators have been concentrating on those leads.